Message from Principal

Today, the role of a school is not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate and empower its student to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers and productive members of an ever changing global society. At present, like all-schools, we are faced with the challenges of developing a good sense of disciplined and moral values within the ever changing norms of society. Children these days are much more sensitive, they posses very high self-esteem and believe in independent thinking. Therefore, we ensure that the approach to motivating and getting the best out of the children is based on the positive re-inforcement of good work and good behavior. Our education philosophy is centered on praise, encouragement, enthusiasm and effection rather than criticism, fear and punishment.
The school will continue its service towards providing holistic and quality education by infusing each and every student with the zeal to be passionate about learning as well as to be engaged and inspired. We want every student to be natured into strong, reflective and responsive individuals who are confident and adaptable in meeting the challenges and opportunities of this rapidly change.